
Mero was the Field that collaborated the most in the period, followed by Búzios


In March of this year, the Federal Government was entitled to 18,600 barrels of oil per day (bpd) under production sharing agreements in the Pre-Salt Polygon. The number represents another leap when compared to the record of February, when the portion of the Federal Government was of 17,000 bpd. Variation is explained by the increase in the surplus of oil in the Field of the Surrounding Area of Sapinhoá. Information can be found in the Monthly Bulletin of Production Sharing Agreements disclosed this Wednesday (18th) by Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA).

Of the 18,600 daily barrels composing the profit oil of the Federal Government in March, 7,100 came from the Field of Mero (Libra), 5,900 bpd from the Field of Búzios, 5,500 bpd from the Surrounding Area of Sapinhoá and 44 bpd from the Field of Tartaruga Verde (Southwest).

Total production in March had a daily average of 472,000 bpd in the four agreements, in which 414,000 bpd corresponds to the Field of Búzios, 46,000 bpd to the Field of Mero (Libra), 8,000 bpd to the Surrounding Area of Sapinhoá and 4,000 bpd to Tartaruga Verde (Southwest). Production presented an increase of around 1.5% in comparison against the three previous months.

From the beginning of the historical series in 2017, accrued production under production shearing regime is of 152 million barrels of oil. Meanwhile, the accrued portion of the surplus oil of the Federal Government, in the same period, is of 13 million barrels of oil.

Natural gas

Total daily average of the surplus owned by the Federal Government in natural gas with commercial exploit presented an increase of 44% in March concerning February, with 163,000 cubic meters per day (m³/day). Of that total, 149,000 m³/day came from the Field of the Surrounding Area of Sapinhoá/ 13,000 m³/day from the Field of Búzios; and 131 m³/day from the Field of Tartaruga Verde (Southwest).

Total production of natural gas with commercial exploit in the three agreements presented a daily average of 1,174,000 m³/day, where 938,000 m³/day corresponds to Búzios, 206,000 m³/day to the Surrounding Area of Sapinhoá and 30,000 m³/day to Tartaruga Verde (Southwest). In comparison to February, the volume of natural gas presented an increase of 24%.

Since 2017, start of the historical series, the accrued production sums 477 million m³ of natural gas with commercial exploit. The surplus in natural gas of the Federal Government in the same period is of 114 million m³.

Check the Monthly Bulletin of Production Sharing Agreements: